By: Team ET Since: Jan 2020 Licence: MIT

1. Introduction

(Contributed by Joshua Wee)

Welcome to the User Guide of Easy Travel (E.T.)!

Do you enjoy going on overseas trips, but dislike or have trouble planning for it? Fret not, our application, E.T., will help reduce the amount of stress and anxiety when planning for a trip. E.T. is a desktop application that helps travellers manage and plan for their trips. This application uses a Command Line Interface (CLI); this means that you operate the application by typing commands into a Command Box. If you are fast at typing, you can manage your trips faster than other Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications; GUI applications allow users to interact with the application through graphical icons such as buttons.

The purpose of this user guide is to provide you with in-depth documentation on how to install and use our application. What are you waiting for? Head on to Section 2, “Quick Start.

2. Quick Start

To get started with using E.T., you can follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. If you don’t you can install it using the link to Oracle here

  2. Download the latest version of E.T. found here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for E.T..

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI shown in Figure 1 should appear in a few seconds.

  5. You are now on the main page of E.T..

  6. At the bottom of the screen, type your command in the Command Box (See Section 3.2.1, “Terminology related to the GUI.”) and press Enter on your keyboard to execute it. E.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help tab.

Refer to Section 3.2.3, “Command Syntax and Usage” on how to use commands and Section 4 - Features on the commands you can use for each feature.

Figure 1. GUI of E.T.

Refer to Section 3.2.3, “Command Syntax and Usage” on how to use commands and Section 4, “Features on the commands you can use for each feature.

3. About

3.1. Structure of this document

(Contributed by Teng Le)

There are many things you can do with E.T.. Thus, we have structured this User Guide in such a way that you can easily find what you need. In the next subsection, Section 3.2, “Reading this Document”, you will find useful tips on reading this document. It is then followed by Section 4, “Features where the seven main features of E.T. and their commands are documented:

  • Trip Management

  • Activity Scheduling

  • Activity Management

  • Transportation Booking Management

  • Accommodation Booking Management

  • Packing List Management

  • Fixed Expense Management

3.2. Reading this Document

However, before moving on to the next section, you may want to familiarise yourself with some technical terms, symbols and syntax that are used throughout the document. In this subsection, you can find all the information you need to know when reading this document.

3.2.1. Terminology related to the GUI.

The following figure shows the GUI of E.T.. It is annotated with the name of the GUI components.

gui annotated
Figure 2. Annotated GUI of E.T.

3.2.2. General Symbols and Syntax

The table below explains the general symbols and syntax used throughout the document.

Symbol/syntax What does it mean?


Italicised text indicates that the text has a definition that is specific to the application. Look out for the definitions of these words in the same paragraph or the glossary.


A grey highlight (called a code-block markup) indicates that this is a command that can be typed into the command box and executed by the application.


A light bulb indicates that the enclosed text is a tip.

A warning sign indicates that the enclosed text is important.

3.2.3. Command Syntax and Usage

(Contributed by Charlotte)

Since E.T. is a CLI application, knowing how to use commands is very important. The following subsection will teach you how to read and use commands in E.T.. All commands in E.T. follow similar formats as described below and examples will be provided to help you understand their usage. Examples of commands and their formats will be written in code-blocks.

The table below explains some important technical terms. An example will be provided to help you visualize these terms.

Technical Term What does it mean?

Command word

The first word of a command. It determines the action that E.T. should perform.


The word or group of words following the command word. They are values given to a command to perform the specified action.


The word that at the start of a parameter. It distinguishes one parameter from another.


additem name/NAME quantity/QUANTITY category/CATEGORY


Command Word - additem


Prefix - name/, quantity/, category/

The following 4 points explain how you can use a command with the provided format. More examples will be provided for each command in Section 4, “Features. Words in the upper case are the parameters to be supplied by you.

  1. Words in the upper case are the parameters to be supplied by you.

    • Format given: deletetransport INDEX

    • Acceptable input: deletetransport 1

  2. Items in square brackets are optional.

    • Format given: edititem INDEX [name/NAME] [quantity/QUANTITY] [category/CATEGORY]

    • Acceptable input: edititem 1 quantity/5

  3. Items with after them can be used zero or multiple times.

    • Format given: addactivity title/TITLE location/LOCATION duration/DURATION tag/TAG…

    • Acceptable input 1 (two tag/TAG): addactivity title/Shopping location/Treasure Factory duration/2 tag/shopping tag/tokyo

    • Acceptable input 2 (no tag/TAG): addactivity title/Osaka Castle View location/Treasure Factory duration/2 duration/1

  4. Parameters with prefixes can be supplied in any order.

    • Format given: addactivity title/TITLE location/LOCATION duration/DURATION tag/TAG…

    • Acceptable input (same order as given format): addactivity title/Shopping location/Treasure Factory duration/2 tag/shopping tag/tokyo

    • Acceptable input (different order as given format): addactivity duration/2 tag/shopping location/Treasure Factory tag/tokyo title/Shopping

With the above information, you can now move on to Section 4 - Feature to learn all the features of the application and start using the commands.

4. Features

This section contains all the information you need to know about the features of E.T.. To use each feature or sub-feature, you will need to enter the command into the Command Box.

You are required to set a trip before other features are unlocked. See Section, “Set a new trip: settrip to learn how to set a trip.

4.1. Trip Management

(Contributed by Charlotte)

This feature allows you to manage your trip. You can record the following information about your trip: * Title * Budget * Exchange rate * Start date * End date

4.1.1. Trip Management Command Parameters

Before you jump right into using this feature, you may want to learn about all the common command parameters used in this feature. The table below shows the list of common command parameters that will be used for this feature.

Parameter Name Description


The title of your trip.

It must be alphanumeric words not more than 50 characters long.

E.g. Graduation Trip


The budget of your trip.

It must be a whole number not more than 1 000 000 000.

E.g. 5000


The exchange rate for your country of visit.

It must be a number greater than 0 and not more than 100.

E.g. 76.3


The starting date of your trip.

It must be in the format of dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm.
It must not be later than the END_DATE.

E.g. 28-09-2020 This example means 28 September 2020.


The ending date of your trip.

It must be in the format of dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm.
It must not be earlier than the START_DATE.
It must not be more than 30 days apart from START_DATE.

E.g. 05-10-2020 This example means 05 October 2020. Set a new trip: settrip

You can use this command to set a new trip that you want to plan for.


settrip title/TITLE budget/BUDGET exchangerate/EXCHANGE_RATE startdate/START_DATE enddate/END_DATE

Refer to Section 4.1.1, “Trip Management Command Parameters” for more detail about each parameter.

Ensure that your date is correct as E.T. does not allow editing of dates once set.


If you are all ready to start planning for your trip and you want to set a trip to get started, follow these steps below. You will learn how to set a graduation trip that starts on 28 September 2020 and ends on 5 October 2020 with a budget of $5000 and an exchange rate of 76.6.

Setting a new trip:

  1. Type settrip title/Graduation Trip budget/5000 exchangerate/76.6 startdate/28-09-2020 enddate/05-10-2020 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. You can now see your trip information on the Trip Information Panel.

outcome settrip
Figure 3. Outcome of a successful settrip command Rename the trip: rename

You can use this command to change the title of the trip.


rename TITLE

Refer to Section 4.1.1, “Trip Management Command Parameters” for more detail about each parameter.


Assume that you have accidentally titled the trip wrongly to Craduation Trip instead of Graduation Trip, you can do the following steps.

Renaming the trip:

  1. Type rename Graduation Trip into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. You can now see your updated trip title on the Trip Information Panel.

outcome rename
Figure 4. Outcome of a successful rename command Edit the trip’s budget: editbudget

You can use this command to change the budget of the trip.


editbudget AMOUNT


Let’s say after planning your expenses, you realised that you would want to increase your budget to $6000. Follow the following steps to do that.

Editing the trip budget:

  1. Type editbudget 6000 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. You can now see your updated trip budget on the Trip Information Panel.

outcome editbudget
Figure 5. Outcome of a successful editbudget command Delete the current trip: deletetrip

You can use this command to delete the current trip.

Deleting the trip will clear all your data from the app! Think twice before you do so.




Assuming that you have finished planning for your trip and would like to start planning for a new one, follow these steps.

Deleting the current trip:

  1. Type deletetrip into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. You can now see that no trip is set on the Trip Information Panel.

outcome deletetrip
Figure 6. Outcome of a successful deletetrip command Check your progress: status

You can use this command to check the progress of your planning. This command will open a window which shows you the following information:

  • Schedule - If there are any overlapping programs.

  • Packing list - Number of items packed and left to pack.

  • Expense - Remaining budget.

  • Accommodation - The nights without accommodation bookings. Format:


Example: If you are planning for your trip halfway and feel lost, you can check your progress using the following steps. It can remind you of what you have to do next.

Deleting the current trip:

  1. Type status into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show the message “Progress checker window is opened.”.

  2. You will now see the following window.

outcome status
Figure 7. Progress checker window

4.2. Activity Management

(Contributed by Charlotte)

If you are planning what to do for your trip, you will find this feature useful. This feature allows you to manage your activities for the trip. You can record the following information about your activities:

  • Title

  • Location

  • Duration

4.2.1. Activity Management Command Parameters

Before you jump right into using this feature, you may want to learn about all the common command parameters used in this feature. The table below shows the list of common command parameters that will be used for this feature.

Parameter Name Description


The title of the activity.

It must be alphanumeric words not more than 50 characters long.

E.g. Shopping


The location of the activity.

It must be alphanumeric words not more than 50 characters long.

E.g. Tokyo


The duration of the activity in hours.

It must be an integer from 1 to 24 (both inclusive).

E.g. 3


The tag you want to attach to an activity.

It must be a single alphanumeric word not more than 30 characters long.

E.g. sports


The index number of the activity in the displayed list. The first entry of the list has an index number of 1 and all the entries are listed in increasing index numbers.

It must be a valid index number.

4.2.2. List all activities: listactivity

You can use this command to navigate to the Activities Tab and display all your activities in E.T..




If you are in another tab and wish to look at your list of activities, you can follow these instructions.

Listing all your activities:

  1. Type listactivity into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Activities Tab.

  3. You can now see all your activities.

4.2.3. Add a new activity: addactivity

You can use this command to add a new activity to E.T..


addactivity title/TITLE duration/DURATION location/LOCATION [tag/TAG]…​

Refer to Section 4.2.1, “Activity Management Command Parameters” for more detail about each parameter.


Let’s say you have an activity with the following information and wish to record it in E.T..









sea, outdoor

Adding the above activity:

  1. Type addactivity title/Going to the beach duration/4 location/Hakone tag/sea tag/outdoor into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Activities Tab.

  3. You can now see all your activities including the newly added activity.

outcome addactivity
Figure 8. Outcome of a successful addactivity command

4.2.4. Edit an existing activity: editactivity

You can use this command to edit an existing activity in E.T..


editactivity INDEX [title/TITLE] [duration/DURATION] [location/LOCATION] [tag/TAG]…​

  • You must supply at least one optional parameter.

  • The existing values will be updated to the new values.

  • If tag/TAG is supplied, it will overwrite the existing tags. Hence, you can supply an empty tag to clear the existing tags.

  • Refer to Section 4.2.1, “Activity Management Command Parameters” for more detail about each parameter.

Editing the activity:


Assume you have accidentally made a mistake in the spelling of the title of the second activity in the displayed list and wish to change it to “Skiing”. You do perform the following steps.

Editing the activity:

  1. Type editactivity 2 title/Skiing into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Activities Tab.

  3. You can now see all your activities including the edited activity.

outcome editactivity
Figure 9. Outcome of a successful editactivity command

4.2.5. Delete an existing activity: deleteactivity

You can use this command to delete an existing activity in E.T..


deleteactivity INDEX


If you change your mind and decide to remove the first activity in the displayed list from your plan, you can perform the steps below.

Deleting the activity:

  1. Type deleteactivity 1 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Activities Tab.

  3. You can now see that the deleted activity no longer exists.

4.2.6. Sort the activity list: sortactivity


sortactivity CRITERIA ORDER

  • CRITERIA refers to the criteria to sort the list of activities by. It can take the following values: title, location, duration.

  • ORDER refers to the order to sort the list of activities by. It can take the value of ascending or asc to sort in ascending order and descending or des to sort in descending order.


If you want to sort your list of activities in descending order of duration, to help you in your planning, you can do the following.

Sorting activities:

  1. Type sortactivity duration des into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Activities Tab.

  3. You can see a list of sorted activities being displayed.

4.2.7. Find activities by name: findactivity

You can use this command to find activities by keywords. E.T. will help you search for your activities using the activity title, duration and location.


findactivity KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORD]…​

  • The KEYWORD is case-insensitive

  • All the activities that contain at least one of the keywords will be shown.


Let say your list has a bunch of activities and you want to search for a specific one about shopping. You can do so as follows.

Finding activities:

  1. Type findactivity shopping into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Activities Tab.

  3. You can see a list of activities with the keyword being displayed.

outcome findactivity
Figure 10. Outcome of a successful findactivity command

4.2.8. Find activities by tag: findactivitytag

You can use this command to find activities by tags.


findactivitytag TAG_NAME [MORE_TAG_NAMES]…​

4.2.9. Clear all activities: clearactivity

You can use this command to clear and delete the whole list of activities in E.T..




In the case that you want to restart your activity planning from scratch, you can do the following.

Clearing the activity list:

  1. Type clearactivity into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Activities Tab.

  3. You can see that the list is now empty.

4.3. Activity Scheduling

(Contributed by Teng Le)

After brainstorming a bunch of activities to do, do you want to add them to your schedule? This feature will help you do that. In this feature, you can add and remove activities from your schedule. Just tell E.T. which activity to schedule at what time and it will be added to the Schedule Tab.

4.3.1. Activity Scheduling Command Parameters

Before you jump right into using this feature, you may want to learn about all the common command parameters used in this feature. The table below shows the list of common command parameters that will be used for this feature.

Parameter name Description


The index number of the activity in the displayed list found in the Activities Tab. The first entry of the list has an index number of 1 and all the entries are listed in increasing index numbers.

It must be a valid index number.


The index number of the day Schedule Tab. It represents the day number of your trip. The first day of your trip is index 1, the second day is index 2 and so on, until the last day.

It must be a valid index number.


The time to schedule the activity.

It must be in the format of HH:mm where HH:mm is the 24hr format time.

E.g. 13:00 This example means 1:00 PM

4.3.2. List all scheduled programs: listschedule

You can use this command to navigate to the Schedule Tab and display all your scheduled programs in E.T..




If you are in another tab and wish to look at your schedule, you can follow these instructions.

Listing your scheduled programs:

  1. Type listschedule into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Schedule Tab.

  3. You can now see your schedule.

outcome listschedule
Figure 11. Outcome of the listschedule command

4.3.3. Add an existing activity to the schedule: schedule

You can use this command to add an activity to your schedule in E.T..



Refer to Section 4.3.1, “Activity Scheduling Command Parameters” for detail about each parameter.


Let’s say you want to add the first activity in the Activities Tab to the third day of your schedule at 10 AM. You can do the following.

Adding the activity to your schedule:

  1. Type schedule 1 day/3 time/10:00 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  • The Result Display will show a success message.

  • E.T. will switch to the Schedule Tab.

  • You can now see all your scheduled programs including the newly added activity.

outcome schedule
Figure 12. Outcome of a successful schedule command

4.3.4. Remove an activity from the schedule: unschedule

You can use this command to remove an activity from your schedule in E.T..

You cannot remove a transport booking entry from your schedule. Refer to Section 4.4.5 Delete an existing transport booking for instructions on how to remove a transport booking entry.



Refer to Section 4.3.1, “Activity Scheduling Command Parameters” for detail about each parameter.


In case you want to remove the first activity of the third day because you have other plans at that time. You can do the following.

Removing the activity from your schedule:

  1. Type unschedule 1 day/3 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  • The Result Display will show a success message.

  • E.T. will switch to the Schedule Tab.

  • You can now see that the unscheduled activity is removed from your schedule.

4.4. Transportation Booking Management

(Contributed by Teng Le)

If you want to be prepared, you have to book transportation for every overseas trip. Thus, if you want to manage your transportation bookings for the trip, you can use this feature. What’s more is that your transport bookings are automatically added to your schedule, unlike the manual scheduling you have to do with activities. You can record the following information about your transport bookings:

  • Mode of transport

  • Starting location

  • Destination

  • Time of departure

  • Time of arrival

4.4.1. Transport Booking Management Command Parameters

Before you jump right in to use this feature, you may want to learn about all the common command parameters used in this feature. The table below shows the list of common command parameters that will be used for this feature.

Parameter Name Description


The mode of transport.

  • It can take the value of plane, bus, car, train and others.

  • E.g. plane


The starting location.

  • It must be alphanumeric words not more than 50 characters long.

  • E.g. Singapore Changi Airport


The destination.

  • It must be alphanumeric words not more than 50 characters long.

  • E.g. KL International Airport


The time of departure.

  • It must be in the format of dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm where HH:mm is the 24hr format time.

  • It must fall within the time frame of the trip and must not be later than the END_TIME.

  • E.g. 28-09-2020 13:00 This example means 28 September 2020 at 1:00 PM.


The time of arrival.

  • It must be in the format of dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm where HH:mm is the 24hr format time.

  • It must fall within the time frame of the trip and must not be earlier than the START_TIME.

  • E.g. 30-09-2020 13:00 This example means 30 September 2020 at 1:00 PM.


The index number of the transport booking entry in the displayed list. The first entry of the list has an index number of 1 and all the entries are listed in increasing index numbers.

  • It must be a valid index number.

4.4.2. List all transport bookings: listtransport

You can use this command to navigate to the Transportation Tab and display all your transport bookings in E.T..




If you are in another tab and wish to look at your list of transport bookings, you can follow these instructions.

Listing your transport bookings:

  1. Type listtransport into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Transportation Tab.

  3. You can now see your transport bookings.

outcome listtransport
Figure 13. Outcome of a successful listransport command

4.4.3. Add a new transport booking: addtransport

You can use this command to add a new transport booking to E.T.


addtransport mode/MODE startloc/START_LOCATION endloc/END_LOCATION starttime/START_TIME endtime/END_TIME


Let’s say you have a transport booking with the following information and wish to record it in E.T.

Mode of transport


Starting location




Time of departure

28 September 2020 at 9:00 AM

Time of arrival

28 September 2020 at 4:00 PM

You can follow these instructions:

Adding the above transport booking:

  1. Type addtransport mode/plane startloc/Singapore endloc/Japan starttime/28-09-2020 09:00 endtime/28-09-2020 16:00 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Transportation Tab.

  3. You can now see all your transport bookings including the newly added transport booking.

outcome addtransport
Figure 14. Outcome of a successful addtransport command

4.4.4. Edit an existing transportation booking: edittransport

You can use this command to edit an existing transport booking in E.T..


edittransport INDEX [mode/MODE] [startloc/START_LOCATION] [endloc/END_LOCATION] [starttime/START_TIME] [endtime/END_TIME]


Assuming that you have entered the wrong time of departure for the second transport booking and want to change it to 28 September 2020, 10:00 AM.

Editing the transport booking:

  1. Type edittransport 2 starttime/28-09-2020 10:00 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Transportation Tab.

  3. You can now see all your transport bookings including the edited transport booking.

outcome edittransport
Figure 15. Outcome of a successful edittransport command

4.4.5. Delete an existing transportation booking: deletetransport

You can use this command to delete an existing transport booking in E.T..


deletetransport INDEX


Suppose you cancelled the flight you booked previously and this flight is stored at index 1 in E.T.. You can follow the instructions below to delete this transport booking from E.T..

Deleting the transport booking:

  1. Type deletetransport 1 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Transportation Tab.

  3. You can now see that E.T. has deleted the transport booking entry at index 1

4.4.6. Sort the transport booking list: sorttransport

You can use this command to sort the displayed list of transport bookings.


sorttransport CRITERIA ORDER

  • CRITERIA refers to the criteria to sort the list of transport bookings by. It can take the following values: mode, startloc, endloc, starttime, endtime.

  • ORDER refers to the order to sort the list of activities by. It can take the value of ascending or asc to sort in ascending order and descending or des to sort in descending order.


If you want to look at your list of transport bookings in chronological order of departure time, you can do the following.

Sorting transport bookings:

  1. Type sorttransport starttime asc into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Transportation Tab.

  3. You can now see that E.T. has sorted your transport bookings.

4.4.7. Clear all transportation bookings: cleartransport

You can use this command to clear and delete the whole list of transport bookings in E.T..




Assume you decided to cancel all your bookings at once but you do not want to delete the entire trip. You can use this command to easily wipe all traces of previous transportation booking entries and start on a clean slate by doing the following steps.

Clearing all transport bookings:

  1. Type cleartransport into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Transportation Tab.

  3. You can now see that E.T. has cleared all your transport bookings list and your list is empty.

outcome cleartransport
Figure 16. Outcome of a successful cleartransport command

4.5. Accommodation Booking

(Contributed by Joshua Wee)

Accommodation is something you can miss out on planning and this feature is for you to plan for your accommodation and record them down. You can record the following information about your accommodation bookings:

  • Name of the accommodation

  • The location or address

  • The first day when you check-in

  • The last day when you check-out

  • Remarks you want to note for an accommodation booking

4.5.1. Accommodation Booking Management Command Parameters

Before you jump right into using this feature, you may want to learn about all the common command parameters used in this feature. The table below shows the list of common command parameters that will be used for this feature.

Parameter Name Description


The name of the accommodation booking

It must be alphanumeric words not more than 50 characters long.

E.g. Ritz Carlton


The location or address of the accommodation booking

It must be alphanumeric words not more than 50 characters long.

E.g. KL


The first day of the accommodation booking, in terms of the day index.

It must be a valid day index number. The day index number represents the number of days from the first day of your trip. The first day of your trip is index 1, the second day is index 2 and so on, until the last day.
It must be later than END_DAY.


The last day of the accommodation booking, in terms of the day index.

It must be a valid day index number. The day index number represents the number of days from the first day of your trip. The first day of your trip is index 1, the second day is index 2 and so on, until the last day. It must be later than START_DAY


The remark you want to note for your accommodation booking.

It must not be more than 150 characters (punctuations allowed) long.

E.g. Remember to check-in before 3pm!


The index number of the accommodation booking in the displayed list. The first entry of the list has an index number of 1 and all the entries are listed in increasing index numbers.

It must be a valid index number.

4.5.2. List all accommodation bookings: listacc

You can use this command to navigate to the Accommodation Tab and display all your activities in E.T..



Example: If you are in another tab and wish to look at your list of accommodation bookings, you can follow these instructions.

Listing all your activities:

  1. Type listacc into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Accommodation Tab.

  3. You can now see all your accommodation bookings.

4.5.3. Add a new accommodation booking: addacc

This command would add a new accommodation booking into your list of accommodations.


addacc name/NAME loc/LOCATION startday/START_DAY endday/END_DAY [remark/REMARK]

Refer to Section 4.5.1, “Accommodation Booking Management Command Parameters” for more detail about each parameter.


Let’s say you have secured a booking of the accommodation with the following details. You can follow the following steps to record this into your list of accommodations.


JW Marriott Hotel



Start Day


End Day


Adding the above accommodation booking:

  1. Type addacc name/JW Marriott Hotel loc/KL startday/2 endday/4 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Accommodation Tab.

  3. You can now see all your accommodation bookings including the newly added accommodation booking.

Figure 17. After addacc command

4.5.4. Edit an existing accommodation booking: editacc

This command will edit any mistakes made in the details of the accommodation booking using the specified INDEX.

Format: editacc INDEX [name/NAME] [loc/LOCATION] [startday/START_DAY] [endday/END_DAY] [remark/REMARK]

Refer to Section 4.5.1, “Accommodation Booking Management Command Parameters” for more detail about each parameter.


Let’s say you decided to change the second accommodation booking to check in on day 4 and check out on day 6.

Editing the accommodation booking:

  1. Type editacc 2 startday/4 endday/6 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Accommodation Tab.

  3. You can now see all your accommodation bookings including the edited accommodation booking.

Figure 18. After editacc command

4.5.5. Delete an existing accommodation booking: deleteacc

This command would delete the accommodation booking you have added earlier using the specified INDEX


deleteacc INDEX

Refer to Section 4.5.1, “Accommodation Booking Management Command Parameters” for more detail about the parameter.


Let’s say you decided to cancel on the accommodation booking that you have made earlier. The accommodation booking that you want to cancel is stored at INDEX 2 of E.T. , running the following command would delete the accommodation booking entry.

Deleting the activity:

  1. Type deleteactivity 1 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. *E.T. *will switch to the Accommodation Tab.

  3. You can now see that the deleted accommodation booking no longer exists.

4.5.6. Sort the accommodation booking list: sortacc

You can use this command to sort the displayed list of accommodation bookings.



CRITERIA refers to the criteria to sort the list of accommodation bookings by. It can take the following values: name, location, day.

ORDER refers to the order to sort the list of accommodation bookings by. It can take the value of ascending or asc to sort in ascending order and descending or des to sort in descending order.


If you want to sort your list of accommodation bookings in ascending order of name, to help you in your planning, you can do the following.

Sorting activities:

  1. Type sortacc name asc into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Accommodation Tab.

  3. You can see a list of sorted accommodation bookings being displayed.

4.5.7. Clear all accommodation bookings: clearacc

This command allows you to clear all accommodation bookings you have made previously.




Let’s say you decided to delete all accommodation bookings you have created without deleting the trip. Running this command would clear all prior accommodation booking created and let you start on a clean slate.

Clearing the accommodation booking list:

  1. Type clearacc into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. *E.T. *will switch to the Accommodation Tab.

  3. You can see that the list is now empty.

4.6. Packing List

(Contributed by Catherine)

If you are a forgetful person, this feature will be ideal for you. This feature allows you to manage your packing list for the trip. You can record the following information about your packing list items:

  • Name

  • Quantity

  • Category

4.6.1. Packing List Item Management Command Parameters

Before you jump right in to use this feature, you may want to learn about all the common command parameters used in this feature. The table below shows the list of common command parameters that will be used for this feature.

Parameter Name Description


The name of the packing list item.

  • It must be alphanumeric words not more than 30 characters long.

  • E.T. will automatically capitalise the first letter of the NAME. For example, if you type in name/high heels, it will display “High Heels” in the packing list. However, it will not make the rest of the words in the name to lowercase. For example, if you type in name/unDErwear, it will display “UnDErwear” in the packing list.

  • E.g. high heels


The quantity of the item.

It must be a positive integer not more than 100000.

  • E.g. 5


The category that the item is classified in.

  • It must be alphanumeric words not more than 30 characters long.

  • E.T. will automatically make the category lowercase

  • E.T.’s GUI will attach a category icon to the name of your packing list item. There are many recognised categories with relevant icons. However, if an unrecognised category is entered by you, the default icon will be used instead.

  • E.g. essentials (a recognised category)


The index number of the packing list item in the displayed list. The first entry of the list has an index number of 1 and all the entries are listed in increasing index numbers.

  • It must be a positive integer 1,2,3…

  • E.g. 1

4.6.2. List all packing list items: listitem

You can use this command to navigate to the Packing List Tab and display your packing list in E.T..




If you are in another tab and wish to look at your packing list, you can follow these instructions.

Listing your packing list:

  1. Type lisitem into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see your packing list.

Figure 19. After the listitem command

4.6.3. Add a new packing list item: additem

This command allows you to add a new item into your packing list.


additem name/NAME quantity/QUANTITY category/CATEGORY


additem name/underwear quantity/5 category/clothes

Suppose you want to add a new item with the following information and wish to record it in E.T..







You can follow these instructions:

Adding your packing list item:

  1. Type additem name/underwear quantity/5 category/clothes into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see your newly added item.

Figure 20. After additem command

4.6.4. Edit an existing packing list item: edititem

This command allows you to edit any mistake made in the details of an existing item.

Format: edititem INDEX [name/NAME] [quantity/QUANTITY] [category/CATEGORY]


edititem 5 name/boxer quantity/3 category/essentials

Let’s say you want to edit the item at index 5 to the following information:

Current Edited










You can follow these instructions:

Editing the packing list item:

  1. Type edititem 5 name/boxer quantity/3 category/essentials into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see your edited item.

Figure 21. After edititem command

4.6.5. Delete an existing packing list item: deleteitem

This command would delete the packing list item at the INDEX that you specified. The INDEX should be corresponding to the index shown in the packing list.


deleteitem INDEX

  • This command can only be used if there is at least 1 item in the packing list


Let’s say you want to delete the first item in the packing list. You can follow these instructions:

Deleting the packing list item:

  1. Type deleteitem 1 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see that the item is deleted from your packing list.

DeleteItem 1
Figure 22. Before deleteitem command
DeleteItem 2
Figure 23. After deleteitem command

4.6.6. Mark an existing packing list item as packed: checkitem

This command marks an item as packed in your packing list.


checkitem INDEX [MORE_INDEXES]…​

  • This command can only be used if there is at least 1 item in the packing list.

  • If item is already packed, then it will just remain packed

  • The result box will display the checked item(s).

  • You can mark multiple items as packed in one command.

  • If there is one invalid index given in the command, for example, checkitem 1 3 1000 5, and 1000 is the invalid index, then the items at index 1, 3 and 5 will be marked as packed, but not 1000.

  • However, if a negative index is given, such as checkitem 1 3 -2 5, no matter the position of the negative index, the whole command will be deemed as invalid, and every item at the indicated indexes will remain as unchecked.


checkitem 1 3 14 17

Let’s assume you want to mark the first, third, fifth and sixth items in the packing list as packed. You can follow these instructions.

Marking the packing list items as packed:

  1. Type checkitem 1 3 14 17 into the command box into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see your checked items.

CheckItem 1
Figure 24. After the checkitem command part 1
CheckItem 2
Figure 25. After the checkitem command part 2

4.6.7. Mark an existing packing list item as not packed: uncheckitem

This command marks an item as not packed in your packing list.


uncheckitem INDEX [MORE_INDEXES]…​

  • This command can only be used if there is at least 1 item in the packing list.

  • If the item is already not packed, then it will just remain not packed.

  • The result box will display the unchecked item(s).

  • You can mark multiple items as not packed in one command.

  • If there is one invalid index given in the command, for example uncheckitem 1 3 1000 5, and 1000 is the invalid index, then the items at index 1, 3 and 5 will be marked as not packed, but not 1000.

  • However, if a negative index is given, such as uncheckitem 1 3 -2 5, no matter the position of the negative index, the whole command will be deemed as invalid, and every item at the indicated indexes will remain as checked.


uncheckitem 1 4 7 13 16

Imagine you want to mark the first, fourth, seventh, thirteenth and sixteenth items in the packing list as not packed. You can follow these instructions.

Marking the packing list items as not packed:

  1. Type uncheckitem 1 4 7 13 16 into the command box into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see your unchecked items.

UncheckItem 1
Figure 26. After uncheckitem command part 1
UncheckItem 2
Figure 27. After uncheckitem command part 2
UncheckItem 3
Figure 28. After uncheckitem command part 3

4.6.8. Sort the packing list: sortitem

You can sort your packing list using this command.



  • Criteria can be only name name, quantity quantity or category category

  • Order can only be ascending asc or descending des

  • This command can only be used if at least 1 item has been added.


sortitem name asc

In the case where you want to sort the packing list by alphabetical order, and in ascending order. You can follow these instructions.

Sorting the packing list by alphabetical order:

  1. Type sortitem name asc into the command box into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see your packing list is sorted according to alphabetical order.

SortItem 1
Figure 29. After the sortitem command part 1
SortItem 2
Figure 30. After the sortitem command part 2

4.6.9. Find packing list items by name: finditem

This command finds items in your packing list according to the names specified by you.

Format: finditem KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

  • This command can only be used if there is at least 1 item in the packing list.

  • If the packing list does not contain any of the keywords, then it will display an empty list.

  • If you want to return to the packing list after using the finditem command, use the listitem command. (see Section 4.5.2)

  • The result box will display the number of items that contain the keyword(s).

  • The finditem command will only search through the titles of the items


finditem shampoo dress

Suppose you want to find items that contain either shampoo or dress in its name in the packing list. You can follow these instructions.

Find the packing list items that contain shampoo or dress:

  1. Type finditem shampoo dress into the command box into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see the items in your packing list that contain either shampoo or dress in its name.

Figure 31. After find item command

4.6.10. Find packing list items by category: finditemcategory

This command finds items in your packing list according to the categories specified by you.

Format: finditemcategory CATEGORY [MORE_CATEGORIES]…​

  • This command can only be used if there is at least 1 item in the packing list.

  • If the packing list does not contain any of the keywords, then it will display an empty list

  • If you want to return to the packing list after using the finditemcategory command, use the listitem command. (see Section 4.5.2)

  • The result box will display the number of items that are in the categories of the given keyword(s).

  • The finditemcategory command will only search through the categories of the items


finditemcategory international clothes

Presuming you want to find items that are either in the international or clothes category. You can follow these instructions.

Find the packing list items that are in the international or clothes category:

  1. Type finditemcategory international clothes into the command box into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see the items in your packing list that are either in the international or clothes category

Figure 32. After the finditemcategory command

4.6.11. Clear all packing list items: clearitem

This command clears all items in your packing list.





In the circumstance that you want to delete all the items in your packing list, to start from an empty packing list. You can follow these instructions.

Clearing your packing list:

  1. Type clearitem into the command box into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. 3. You can now see that E.T. has cleared your packing list.

Figure 33. After the clearitem command

4.6.12. Add a new preset (built-in list): addpreset

E.T. contains some basic built-in list of items, grouped by categories. This is to enhance your planning experience as you can add many common items just by one command. The term preset will be used to describe these lists of items. You can use this command to add presets by their category name. Refer to Section 4.6.13, “List all presets: listpreset to find out what are some presets you can use.


addpreset CATEGORY

  • If the preset contains an item that is already in the packing list, it will not add that item in. It will add the rest of the items in the preset into the packing list.

  • You can only add in pre-existing presets. If you add in other presets, then you will receive the message, "Sorry! This preset does not exist."

  • To see all the available presets, use the listpreset command. (See Section 4.6.13, “List all presets: listpreset)


Assuming you will be going to the beach during your trip, but you are too lazy to add a packing list item one-by-one. You will like to add all the items in the beach category into your packing list. You can follow these instructions.

Adding a beach preset into your packing list:

  1. Type addpreset beach into the command box into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Packing List Tab.

  3. You can now see the items in the beach preset added into your packing list.

Figure 34. After the addpreset command

4.6.13. List all presets: listpreset

This command lists all the default presets available for you to use. (See Section 4.6.12, “Add a new preset (built-in list): addpreset for more information about presets.)



  • The list will be shown in a pop-up window.

  • The pop-up window will only contain the icons and names of the presets, not the items inside the preset.


In the case that you want to add a list of items under a pre-existing category, but you are not sure of the available presets you can use. You can follow these instructions.

Listing all the pre-existing presets:

  1. Type listpreset into the command box into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. A pop-up window will appear, showing you all the available presets.

Figure 35. After the listpreset command

4.7. Fixed Expense Management

(Contributed by Joshua Lay)

The Fixed Expense Manager comprises a list which allows you to set your fixed expenses before your trip. This would help you plan a suitable budget for your upcoming trip.

Examples of Fixed Expenses that you can include are as follows,

  • Flight Tickets

  • Hotel Accommodation Bookings

  • Transportation Tickets

  • Cost of admission tickets to theme parks

  • Or any other fixed miscellaneous costs known to you before the trip.

4.7.1. Fixed Expense Management Command Parameters

Before jumping into the various features the Fixed Expense Manager offers, it might be beneficial to take some time looking at the common command parameters that are used in this feature. This is shown in the table below.

Parameter Name Description


The amount of money for your fixed expense.

It must be a positive number with at most 2 decimal places. It must also be less than 1,000,000,000.

Example: 1.30


Currency the fixed expense is in.

It can only take the value of sgd or other
(sgd or SGD stands for Singapore Dollars)


The description of the fixed expense.

It must be words made up of alphanumeric characters not more than 50 characters long.

Example: Plane Tickets


The category of the fixed expense.

It can take the value of accommodations, others, transport, activities


The index number of the fixed expense entry in the displayed list. The first entry of the list has an index of 1 and all subsequent entries are listed in ascending order.

It must be a valid index.

4.7.2. List your fixed expenses: listexpense

You can use the listexpense command to navigate to the Fixed Expenses Tab and list all fixed expenses entries.



Figure 36. Accessing Fixed Expenses Tab


If you are in another tab and wish to navigate to the Fixed Expenses Tab to view all your fixed expense entries, you can follow these steps.

Listing all fixed expense entries:

  1. Type listexpnese into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Fixed Expenses Tab.

  3. You can now see all your fixed expense entries.

Figure 37. After the listexpense command

Thereafter, you will be able to add and subsequently modify your fixed expenses. This would be further elaborated in Section 4.7.3, “Adding a new fixed expense entry: addexpense onwards.

4.7.3. Adding a new fixed expense entry: addexpense

You can use this command to add a new fixed expense into the Fixed Expense Manager.


addexpense amount/AMOUNT currency/CURRENCY description/DESCRIPTION category/CATEGORY


Let’s say you wish to include a fixed expense entry with the following information and wish to add it in the Fixed Expense Manager.






Plane Tickets



Adding the above fixed expense entry:

  1. Type addexpense amount/1100 currency/SGD description/Plane Tickets category/Transport into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Fixed Expenses Tab.

  3. You can now see your newly added Fixed Expense.

Figure 38. After successfully adding a fixed expense

4.7.4. Edit a fixed expense entry: editexpense

This command allows you to edit any mistakes that you might have accidentally included into the fixed expense manager. You can edit the details of an existing fixed expense entry based on the INDEX you have specified.


editexpense INDEX [amount/AMOUNT] [currency/CURRENCY] [description/DESCRIPTION] [category/CATEGORY]

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • Both CURRENCY and AMOUNT fields must exist together for a successful edit if you wish to change the AMOUNT of a fixed expense.

  • If you set CURRENCY as other, the AMOUNT will be automatically converted to SGD using the trip exchange rate (See Section, “Set a new trip: settrip).

  • E.T. will warn you when you overshot your budget.

  • Refer to Section 4.7.1, “Fixed Expense Management Command Parameters” for more detail about each parameter.


Let’s say you wish to edit the fixed expense entry at index 1 to have a description of “editedtransport" and SGD 1500 respectively.

Current Edited













Editing the above fixed expense entry:

  1. Type editexpense 1 amount/1500 currency/SGD description/editedtransport category/transport into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Fixed Expenses Tab.

  3. You can now see your newly edited Fixed Expense.

Figure 39. After successfully editing a fixed expense

4.7.5. Deleting a fixed expense entry: deleteexpense

This command allows you to delete an existing fixed expense entry.


deleteexpense INDEX

Refer to Section 4.7.1, “Fixed Expense Management Command Parameters” for more detail about the parameter.


Assuming you wish to delete the first fixed expense.

Deleting the fixed expense entry:

  1. Type deleteexpense 1 into the Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute.


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Fixed Expenses Tab.

  3. You can now see that the Fixed Expense is deleted from your Fixed Expense Manager.

Figure 40. After successfully deleting a fixed expense

4.7.6. Sort fixed expenses: sortexpense

This command allows you to sort all your fixed expenses in the list.

Format: sortexpense CRITERIA ORDER

  • ORDER refers to the order to sort the Fixed Expenses by. It can take the value of ascending or asc to sort in ascending order or descending or des to sort in descending order.

  • CRITERIA refers to the criteria to sort the Fixed Expenses by. It can take these values, [AMOUNT] [DESCRIPTION] [CATEGORY].

  • Only one criteria can be included in the command.

  • The list must not be empty.


Assuming you have a lot of fixed expenses and wish to group them by category. In this example, we would be sorting the fixed expense according to the amount in descending order.

You could sort the fixed expenses by category through these steps.

Sorting fixed expense entries:

  1. Type sortexpense amount des into the command box

  2. Press Enter to execute


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Fixed Expenses Tab.

  3. You can now see that your Fixed Expenses are sorted according to descending amount.

Figure 41. After successful sorting of fixed expense

4.7.7. Clearing a fixed expense: clearexpense

This command allows you to clear all Fixed Expenses in the list.

Format: clearexpense

  • ORDER refers to the order to sort the Fixed Expenses by. It can take the value of ascending or asc to sort in ascending order or descending or des to sort in descending order.

  • CRITERIA refers to the criteria to sort the Fixed Expenses by. It can take these values, AMOUNT DESCRIPTION CATEGORY.

  • Only one criteria can be included in the command.

  • The list must not be empty.


Assuming that you wish to clear all your fixed expenses entries, you can clear the whole list by following these steps.

Clearing all fixed expenses entries:

  1. Type clearexpense in your Command Box.

  2. Press Enter to execute


  1. The Result Display will show a success message.

  2. E.T. will switch to the Fixed Expenses Tab.

  3. You will now see an empty Fixed Expense Manager.

Figure 42. After successfully clearing all fixed expense

4.8. Features coming in Version 2.0

(Contributed by Catherine)

This section will describe the various features that are planned for Version 2.0 of E.T.

4.8.1. Packing List Management

The Packing List Management feature has some exciting updates that will help you better manage your packing list. Create a smart packing list: createlist v2.0

This feature will allow you to create a smart packing list. The packing list will recommend you the quantity to pack for your trip based on the information provided.

For example, if you are planning a trip is 7 days, with 1 male and 1 female, you can use a single command to help you create a packing list that contains 7 sets of adult and child summer clothing will be added into the packing list, along with toys for the children.

An example of the command would be:
createlist d/7, m/1, f/1, c/2, s/Summer Export the packing list as a text file: export v2.0

This feature allows you to export your existing packing list into a formatted text file. The motivation behind it is to allow you to share your packing lists with your friends easily.

4.8.2. Fixed Expense Management

(Contributed by Joshua Lay)

The Fixed Expense Management will also be getting brand new functionalities that will take your financial management to the next level. Recommend ways to save money based on prevailing usage v2.0

E.T. will be able to use complex algorithms to monitor and track your spending habits and recommend ways to save money on certain items.

4.8.3. Enhancing your experience with E.T.

After gathering all your feedback, we have plans to upgrade E.T.'s to provide you with better user experience. Auto-Complete v2.0

This feature will allow you to press Tab to complete the command. Undo/Redo v2.0

This feature will allow you to undo or redo certain commands. Import and export of data v2.0

This feature will allow you to import and export your trip data in different formats such as the .ics calendar format.

5. FAQ

(Contributed by Joshua Wee)

Q: How many trips am I able to set in E.T.?

A: You can only set 1 trip in E.T..

Q: Why aren’t I allowed to edit my date for the trip?

A: Editing the date would cause conflicts in your schedule if you try to change the date to one that is earlier. However, we are working on a feature that will allow you to resolve these conflicts in the upcoming version of E.T..

Q: What do I do if I want to change my trip’s date since I cannot edit the date?

A: Unfortunately, you have to delete the trip.

Q: What happens if 2 of my activities are scheduled on the same date and time? Will E.T. detect it?

A: E.T. will allow you to schedule activities that overlap in timing. However, when you check your progress using the status command, E.T. will notify you of this conflict in timing and the day index that you can find it.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: By default, E.T. saves all your data in a folder named data in the same directory as the application. You can copy and transfer the data folder into the same directory as E.T. on your other computer and E.T. will automatically load your data upon launching E.T..

6. Command Summary

(Contributed by Joshua Lay)

6.1. Trip Management Commands

Command Example

Set Trip : settrip title/TITLE startdate/START_DATE enddate/END_DATE budget/BUDGET exchangerate/EXCHANGERATE

settrip title/Graduation Trip startdate/28-09-2020 enddate/26-10-2020 budget/1000 exchangerate/1.40

Rename a Trip : rename

rename Not a Graduation Trip

Edit Budget for Trip : editbudget AMOUNT

editbudget 10000

Delete Trip : deletetrip


Check Progress : status


6.2. Activity Commands

Command Example

List Activities: listactivity


Add Activity: addactivity title/TITLE duration/DURATION location/LOCATION [tag/TAG]…​

addactivity title/Going to the beach duration/4 location/Hakone tag/sea tag/outdoor

Edit Activity: editactivity index [title/TITLE] [duration/DURATION] [location/LOCATION] [tag/TAG]…​

editactivity 1 title/Go to an aquarium

Delete Activity: deleteactivity INDEX

deleteactivity 1

Sort Activities: sortactivity CRITERIA ORDER

sortactivity title ascending

Find Activities by Keywords: findactivity KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

findactivity sightseeing carnival

Find Activities by Tag: findactivitytag TAG_NAME [MORE_TAG_NAMES]…​

findactivitytag outdoor

Clear Activities: clearactivity


6.3. Activity Scheduling Commands

Command Example

List Schedule: listschedule


Schedule Activity: schedule ACTIVITY_INDEX day/DAY_INDEX time/TIME

schedule 1 day/1 time/10:00

Unschedule Activity: unschedule ACTIVITY_INDEX day/DAY_INDEX

unschedule 1 day/2

6.4. Transportation Booking Management Commands

Command Example

List Transport Bookings: listtransport


Add Transport Booking: addtransport mode/MODE startloc/START_LOCATION endloc/END_LOCATION starttime/START_TIME endtime/END_TIME

addtransport mode/plane startloc/Singapore endloc/Japan starttime/28-09-2020 00:00 endtime/28-09-2020 07:00

Edit Transport Booking: edittransport INDEX [mode/MODE] [startloc/START_LOCATION] [endloc/END_LOCATION] [starttime/START_TIME] [endtime/END_TIME]

edittransport 1 endloc/Italy

Delete Transport Booking: deletetransport INDEX

deletetransport 1

Sort Transport Bookings: sorttransport CRITERIA ORDER

sorttransport mode ascending

Clear Transport Bookings: cleartransport


6.5. Accommodation Booking Management Commands

Command Example

List Accommodation Bookings: listacc


Add Accommodation Booking: addacc name/NAME loc/LOCATION startday/START_DAY endday/END_DAY [remark/REMARK]

addacc name/JW Marriott Hotel loc/KL startday/2 endday/4 remark/Check-in at 3pm.

Edit Accommodation Booking: editacc INDEX [name/NAME] [loc/LOCATION] [startday/START_DAY] [endday/END_DAY] [remark/REMARK]

editacc 1 name/Casa del Rio loc/Malacca

Delete Accommodation Booking: deleteacc INDEX

deleteacc 1

Sort Accommodation Bookings: sortacc CRITERIA ORDER

sortacc name ascending

Clear Accommodation Bookings: clearacc


6.6. Packing List Management Commands

Command Example

List Packing List Items: listitem


Add Packing List Item: additem name/NAME quantity/QUANTITY category/CATEGORY

additem name/underwear quantity/5 category/clothes

Edit Packing List Item: edititem INDEX [name/NAME] [quantity/QUANTITY] [category/CATEGORY]

edititem 1 quantity/5 category/essentials

Delete Packing List Item: deleteitem INDEX

deleteitem 1

Mark Packing List Item as Packed: checkitem INDEX [MORE_INDEXES]…​

checkitem 1 3

Mark Packing List Item as Not Packed: uncheckitem INDEX [MORE_INDEXES]…​

uncheckitem 1 4 7 13 16

Sort Items in Packing List: sortitem CRITERIA ORDER

sortitem name asc

Find Packing List Items by Name: finditem KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​

finditem car shampoo

Find Packing List Items by Category: finditemcategory CATEGORY [MORE_CATEGORIES]…​

finditemcategory swimming clothes

Clear Packing List: clearitem


Add Preset: addpreset CATEGORY

addpreset beach

List all Presets in Packing List: listpreset


6.7. Fixed Expense Commands

Command Example

*List Fixed Expenses: listexpense


Add Fixed Expense: addexpense amount/AMOUNT currency/CURRENCY description/DESCRIPTION category/CATEGORY

addexpense amount/1100 currency/sgd description/Plane Tickets category/Transport

Edit Fixed Expense: editexpense INDEX [amount/AMOUNT] [currency/CURRENCY] [description/DESCRIPTION] [category/CATEGORY]

editexpense 1 amount/1500 currency/sgd description/editedtransport category/transport

Delete Fixed Expense: deleteexpense INDEX

deleteexpense 1

Sort Fixed Expenses: sortexpense CRITERIA ORDER

sortexpense amount des

Clear Fixed Expenses: clearexpense
