Easy Travel was developed by the Team ET.

We are a team based in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore.

Project Team

Chau Teng Le


Role: Team Leader
Feature: Schedule, Transport Booking Manager
Responsibilities: Integration, Git Expert
Components: Model, UI

Joshua Lay


Role: Developer
Feature: Fixed Expense Manager, Help Tab
Responsibilities: Testing, Intellij Expert
Components: Common, Storage

Charlotte Lim


Role: Developer
Feature: Trip Manager, Activity Manager
Responsibilities: Deliverable and Deadlines, Scheduling and Tracking
Components: Logic, Model

Joshua Wee


Role: Developer
Feature: Accommodation Booking Manager
Responsibilities: Code Quality, UML Expert
Components: Logic, Storage

Catherine Loy


Role: Developer
Feature: Packing List, Progress Checker
Responsibilities: Documentation
Components: Common, UI